2011-12 Portfolio


Standard: M2G2a: describe and classify solid and geometric figures
               M2G2b: recognize shapes of angles as right, obtuse, and acute.
Design Quality: organization of knowledge
Activity: After reviewing basic and solid shapes we learned about what a side, face, and vertex of a shape would be.  We used brainpopjr.com as a resource to learn more.  We then took our information and shape fact sheet and went on a scavenger hunt throughout the school looking for the shapes that we had learned about.  When they found the shape they had to draw it where they found it. We examined their characteristics and determined how many faces and vertices the shapes had. The children had a blast searching for the shapes in our school.
After the children were sure of themselves we pressed on to identify angles as right, obtuse, and acute.  We used toothpicks and clay as well as noodles to make the 3 different types of angles. Then we used our names to find angles and turned them in to snowflakes! To finish up and celebrate shapes and angles we used milk cartons to create gingerbread houses. They were able to identify shapes and angles that we used. They had a blast using their own creativity and what they learned to build the best gingerbread house ever:)   


Standard: M2M1: Students will know the standard units of inch, foot, yard,
                and metric units of centimeter and meter and measure length
                to the nearest inch or centimeter.
               ELA2R3c: determine meaning of unknown words on basis of 
               ELA2W1t:use a variety of resources (internet and books) to
                research and share information on a topic.
               M2P1: solve problems and communicate mathematically
Design Quality: Affirmation of Performance
Activity: I hope my students had as much fun as I did with this unit. I first introduced penguins by reading a fiction and nonfiction book to the class. We talked about what we learned and what we would like to know about penguins. Our big research day arrived! We were able to go to the computer lab. Each student picked the penguin of their choice. They filled in the research outline paper questions. A few example questions would be, where does my penguin live? What are 3 unusual things that you want the class to know about your penguin? The children were amazed that there are some penguins that do live in very warm climates. After we finished our research we began the writing process to present what we learned. They went through each step of the process to get their very best writing. We also used unitedstreaming and youtube as two other resources to examine their habits  and to see and hear real penguins in their wild habitat. 
Another topic that we discussed was blubber. I put crisco to in ziploc bags so the kids would be able to put their hand between the bags. After they put the "penguin blubber" around their hand they dipped their protected hand in ice cold water. Then they put their other hand in the water. They had to decide for themselves who would survive longer, our exposed skin or penguins with their blubber. As you can see in the picture the penguins won:) We involved math by writing word problems using penguins and what we had learned about them. The children enjoyed exchanging word problems and trying to challenge each other.  To end our unit we took the actual measurements of the penguin that was researched and made a life size drawing of our penguins. I feel like these activities helped in all areas, math, reading, writing, etc. They were able to help one another and encourage each other. I also saw several children exchanging creative ideas of how to draw their penguins. We hope you were able to come by and look at our bulletin board to see our finished product. We love penguins!


Standards: M2N4: understand and compare fractions.
Design Quality: Affiliation
Activity: One thing that I hope I accomplish in teaching is to make learning exciting. Yes there will always be days that aren't as glamorous as others but I hope that most days I make learning interesting. Learning about fractions was jammed packed full of activities. We began by watching a brainpopjr clip to introduce fractions. They also enjoyed several songs on unitedstreaming and youtube about fractions. I feel like any time I can put a song or rhyme or motions to a skill the children will remember it a lot longer than if it were just written down on paper.
After the children understood what a fraction was, the vocabulary words like denominator and numerator etc., we began to build fractions. We started out by using small hershey candy bars and 1/2. We discussed what the whole is and what a half would be. Chocolate always makes math a little more exciting:) We also used oranges to discuss fractions. The next week we compared fractions. Which fraction would mean I would have the most. This skill is very hard to grasp and we will continue to work on this for several days. While we compared fractions we had pieces of circles, halves, thirds, fourths, and sixths. We constructed jungle animals. The children were able to use their creativity and fractions to build an animal. To end our unit on fractions I brought in all the ingredients for cupcakes. We had to read the recipe to make the cupcakes. The cafeteria was nice enough to let us borrow their oven to bake our cupcakes. We were able to use the cupcakes to cut some in all different amounts of fractions. Almost all of our fraction projects were done in small groups or partners. Yeah for fractions!


Standards: M2P1: solve problems and communicate mathematically
Design Quality: Protection from Adverse Consequences for Initial Failures
Activities: At the beginning of the year we review key word problems and how to solve and check. I encourage each child to read the word problem completely through to determine what they need to do to solve the problem(add, subtract, etc.) . Then go back and read each sentence in the word problem to determine what numbers you will use to solve. I used the MAP test scores to determine what kind of groups I would have and how difficult the word problems would be. I gave them a variety of word problems. Some problems had the start number missing, some had the difference missing, a couple even had both addends missing. I tried to give them challenging problems that would best fit their level of understanding. Some groups had  problems using single digits. Other groups may have had double digits with regrouping. I made sure that each person had numbers that would best suit their math needs and challenge them to stretch what they knew.  We used manipulatives and sometimes worked in pairs to increase math confidence. In all of the small groups if I saw there was small errors we worked together to understand how to fix them so that next time it wouldn't be a problem. I know they enjoyed all the different types of word problems because they involved Christmas and some of the activities we were studying in December.

Standards: M2N1c: use money as a medium of exchange. Make change
Design Quality: Authenticity
Activity: Counting money is more than just counting money. My students need to know how to skip count, have good number sense and understand the value of a number. We start out really slow because in my opinion counting money and counting back change are two very hard but crucial math standard to grasp. I allow my students to earn money as a small group the first week. For example, if 3 people at table number 1 does their homework they each get to put a dime in their table's bank. The group can also have money taken away if they are not behaving etc. At the end of the week we take the money out that each table has earned for good behavior, being on task, doing their homework, etc. They have to work together as a table to decide what they will buy at the class store. I purchase food, candy, stickers, pencils, etc. for the kids to have a class store. After the table has come to an agreement of what to buy, which sometimes takes a while, they have to help each other count out the amount that they spent. The next week we do the same thing but this time each individual child gets their own bank. We have the same rules as far as how to earn money or have money withdrawn. At the end of this week each individual student is able to come to the class store. They have to figure out how much the items cost, if they have enough money, count it out, and determine if they get back change. This takes awhile to do because I do it only a few at a time so that I can be there to assist and make sure they are counting correctly. They get so excited when they are able to buy that special something that they have been working hard to earn.  It also encourages them to work together and the importance of earning their money. We will continue counting money and counting change throughout the rest of the school year. With a lot of practice I know we will get it:)

Standard: ELA2R3a: reads a variety of texts and uses new words and shares the information
Design Quality: choice
Acitivity: For the week of Thanksgiving my word study group was able to learn words having to do with Thanksgiving.  We were able to use the following link to "experience" the voyage to America and know what it was like when the pilgrims began their lives here.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving. The students were able to pick any way they wanted to present what they learned. We had LOTS of creative ideas. We had everything from written papers, to puppet shows, to an actual Mayflower built out of wood. On Friday after the spelling test we presented our projects. For this week not only did they recieve a grade for spelling they also recieved a turkey with 4 grades (creativity, research, presentation, content of writing, and neatness).Great job guys!!

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