Friday, March 30, 2012

Life Cycle Learning

Yesterday we put our eggs in the incubator. In 21 days we hope to have some exotic baby chicks!!!

Life Cycle of a Frog by: Graci

Life Cylce of a Chicken by: Grayson

Life Cycle of a Frog by: Braden

The newest member of our classroom.
 This was a caterpillar that we watched grow last fall. It grew, made a chrysalis, and then hibernated. Last week he hatched and we released him in the crepe myrtle tree outside.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great pictures of learning in progress!

Kaylee's finished craters on the moon

Scotty using bubbles to make moon craters

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


*Where has March gone?! Time in second grade is quickly coming to an end. We are currently learning about life cycles. Please be sure and look at your child's work that comes home on Fridays. They are doing an excellent job! *Wednesday we will start our eggs in the incubator!
*Conferences will be scheduled soon. Be on the lookout for conference notes on times to meet. Our MAP testing should be finished this week.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dates to Remember


March 5: PTO program
March 13: School Field Trip to The Lorax
March 14: End of 3rd nine weeks
March 14-29 MAP testing
March 15: Early Dismissal: Please be checking your child's homework folder for conference time:)
March 16: No School
March 21: Reports Go Home