Friday, September 14, 2012

Mystery Critter

Each week we will try to have a mystery critter. The children are given several clues they have to read and determine the animal. Some weeks it will be just pictures but this week we had a LIVE animal.  This week the mystery critter was a rabbit. Julian was the only one that got it right. Good for you Julian:)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to another great year of Second Grade!!!
 I can't believe we have been in school for almost 2 weeks and I haven't posted anything. We've been so busy; time has just gotten away. Enjoy the pictures and keep watching for more "learning in action". I am looking forward to an awesome year!!
Ansley and Carson performing surgery on our words to make contractions:)

Bryson building his place value village.

Zack enjoying his sprite float to check out solids, liquids, and gases. Delicious and educational!

Graci added more bubbles to her sprite float.

We would like to say a big GET WELL SOON to our friend Cody. Hope to see you back at school really soon. We miss you!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our class raised enough  money to buy the bench and a little more.
Great job guys!
Our garden looks great!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Upcoming 2nd grade info……………..
Monday, May 21st: AR Party. Wear your best Hawaiian attireJ
Tuesday, May 22nd: Bring your own technology day.  Talent show begins at 12:30.
Wednesday, May 23rd: 2nd grade awards begin at 9:30 in the cafeteria.  We will also have a showcase of learning in the classrooms afterwards.  Refreshments will be served.
Thursday, May 24th: Popsicle Party
Friday, May 25th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! It will be an early dismissal day.  There will be no aftercare. Popcorn and movie day.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

For the past 2 weeks we have been studying the plant life cycle. We are also looking at animals that help in the garden too. Yesterday the children got to observe earthworms and their movement. Believe it or not every child held a worm:) Don't panic everybody also washed their hands after we handled the earthworms:)

Our flower garden is coming along. We got out all the weeds. Then we transplanted some of the lamb's ear plant, monkey grass, Japanese iris, coneflower, Brazilian verbena, and several others(thanks to my mom for those donations). Next we had to spread the mulch.(Thanks Shepherd's Mulch for the donation). Last but not least we added some petunias to give it some color until the other plants bloom. If you don't already know we are also having a yummy garden candy sale this week. We are selling candy to raise money for a new bench to go in the garden. We are getting close and it's just Wednesday:) If you would like to donate more candy for the sale or money for the bench it would be greatly appreciated:) Enjoy the pictures. There will be more pictures of the finished garden coming soon!
Good bye weeds!

Here comes the plants.
Now for the mulch


Mulch complete!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

We have been soooo busy in second grade I haven't had time to post. I am going trying to post now and I will try to post even more this afternoon. First of all.... our baby chickens hatched!!!!

Welcome to Room 17:)

Our life cycle unit has been fun and eventful. Thank you Kobe Richards and family for gathering tadpoles for us to observe too. They have back legs now:)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Life Cycle Learning

Yesterday we put our eggs in the incubator. In 21 days we hope to have some exotic baby chicks!!!

Life Cycle of a Frog by: Graci

Life Cylce of a Chicken by: Grayson

Life Cycle of a Frog by: Braden

The newest member of our classroom.
 This was a caterpillar that we watched grow last fall. It grew, made a chrysalis, and then hibernated. Last week he hatched and we released him in the crepe myrtle tree outside.